on Tuesday, August 31, 2021
CUSB Bank named Top Ag Lender by ICBA

TOP AG LENDERS: CUSB Bank was named a Top Ag Lender in the nation for their asset size by the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA). Pictured is our ag team (from left to right) Kevin Janssen (CUSB Wealth Management Solutions), Ag Lenders: Zach Mitchell (Charles City), Sean Pitkin (Charles City), Josh Dodd (Osage), Trevor Kapustynski (Osage), Doug Krabbe (Head Lender, Osage and Cresco), Austin Hrdlicka (Cresco), Doug McCabe (Cresco), Chas Malek (Cresco), Jordan Guyer (Lime Springs), Alex McCabe (Ridgeway), Cody Carolan (Ridgeway), and Jay Johnston (Chief Credit Officer).
CUSB Bank is pleased to announce that they were named a Top Ag Lender in the nation for their asset size by the Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA).
President Michael Drees said, “We are proud to be given the distinction of being a top ag lender in the nation for 2020. Our lending team has worked hard and 2020 was a difficult year for everyone so we are excited to have this great honor come out of unprecedented times.”
ICBA used FDIC data for 2020 and calculated a lender score out of 100 for each community bank. The score combined the average of the bank’s percentile rank for lending concentration and for loan growth in ag lending. Scores were adjusted for loan charge offs as well. CUSB Bank (in the $500 million to 1 billion asset size category) scored 87.59/100, ranked #12 in the nation, and was the only bank in Iowa in this asset category.
Drees said, “Our lending staff works hard to build partnerships with our ag customers and to understand their operation’s needs so we can craft lending solutions that will contribute to the success of their farm operation. It takes teamwork from our entire staff to ensure our valued customers are taken care of and this is really an honor for everyone at CUSB Bank. I am proud of everyone in the CUSB Bank family and thank them for all of their efforts in serving our valued customers.”
To read more about this distinction, go to